Friday, November 27, 2009

An Ode to Black Friday

An Ode to Black Friday

Oh, my dear Black Friday! How I love thee!
At this Christmas time let me count the ways:
Countless ads as far as the eye can see
Plotting and planning until in a daze.
Door busters are not for the faint of heart,
But with Christmas cheer and our lists in hand
We shop and shop and shop and never stop
Because shopping the sales is very smart!
We finish with a trip to pancake land
For breakfast and family at IHOP :)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving at the Burley Brown's house means...

Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen
As well as China and Craft-project turkey favors,

Everyone brings their big tummies,

Visiting with family,

Playing Games,

Lots and Lots of Movies
(This is a picture by Alex of The Lion King
or as he kept calling it "The Monkey King." What a nut!
Can you see the birds flying over the river?)

and some General Silliness!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Pre-Party

Thanksgiving this year was extra special because we had ALL of my family here at home for Thanksgiving.  I know it took sacrifice for everyone to get off work and to drive to Burley and I know it is hard for some of us to be in loud, noisy groups so that makes this a extraordinary weekend because of all the sacrifices that were made. I'm so thankful for my family and the loving relationships that we share.

Wednesday, I suppose you might call the Pre-Party.  We had Lisa and Shane and Josh drive up early in the day. They couldn't stay all weekend, so they made sure to come early.  I stopped by Mom's house during my lunch hour to pick up the dish I needed for my food assignment (Spinach Salad... Yum!).  When I asked them what they were doing for lunch, I got shrugs all around. I suggested that Dairy Queen has a special on a Double Cheeseburger meal and Shane jumped up and said, let's go get some.  Apparently, he is a fan of Dairy Queen.  Who knew?! :) Trevor's family joined us later that night and we brought the boys over to play on Chris's Wii.  Josh was kind enough to supply us with four more controllers and a half a dozen games. Thanks Josh!! I love this picture of everyone playing the racing game.  I can still hear Alex's laugh as he falls off a cliff and Chris tells him, "Looks like you're going for a swim!"

Later, we trekked back over to Mom and Dad's house for birthday cake. We have three November birthdays: Shane, Dad and Mom.  Happy birthday guys!

Brad and I both had to work a full day today, so he came in late and I had gone home to bed, but it is still nice knowing we're all together again!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy, happy birthday Daddy dear!

Saturday was Dad's birthday.  It just kind of worked out that Chris and I were both planning on going to the temple this weekend.  So, we invited Mom and Dad to come with us.  Then Tricia was home and wanted to come too.  We arrived early for the 7:30 am temple session.  Then later we went to IHOP for a breakfast brunch. What a fabulous way to celebrate my father's birthday!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

World Famous Browns

Although Joshua is technically a Salmon, we still claim him as a Brown through and through :).  It's always fun when you're family makes the paper, and you can read about Josh's science field trip here.  Or, check out his general coolness below...

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thanksgiving is...

Last year, my friend Natalie wrote me an email and asked me what I was grateful for.  She was keeping a record of gratitude of her friends in a hand made, leatherbound book she was given, and she transcribed everyone's responses.  She keeps it on the coffee table for guests to add to because Gratitude is so uplifting and should be shared. I agree!  Please leave a comment or send me an email and tell me what YOU are grateful for...

Here are some posts from friends on facebook...

Sayda Chavez Call:
The new addition to our family! Yes, what a wonderful day!!!!

Bonnie James Green:
I am thankful we are able to adopt our boys, for my freedom, my faith, my family and my friends.

Katie Brown Haymore:
I'm also thankful for warm november days. It's 69 degrees in Spanish Fork. I'm also thankful for my entire family. Love ya Cindy!

Holly Buck George:
i'm thankful for really good parents.

Marcie Bowers Miller:
I am thankful for a husband that works hard to support us.

Linda Voelkel:
I'm thankful for a cousin who indulges my Austen addictions. ;-)

Linda Voelkel:
I'm also thankful today for my dad being healthy enough to stay over night for Stake Conference weekend. We are having dinner and ice cream and thinking of you!