Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Live Healthier: Spring-Clean Your Gear

In my Prevention's Total-Body Shape Up magazine, April's focus is to Spring-Clean Your Gear.  I don't have many workout clothes to start with.  Right now I just have a pair each of yoga pants and shorts and a bunch of random T-shirts, so I've been anxiously awaiting April to go shopping :).

Prevention says, "Get motivated by investing in spiffy new exercise gear...Warm colors, such as red, yellow, and orange, are more energizing than their cool counterparts...Those warm colors are attention grabbing--which activates your brain's circuitry."  I didn't go for orange, but this florescent pink is pretty sweet!

They have a great article on effective gear to use or wear.  Did you know you should replace your tennis shoes every 300 to 500 miles?  I think my last pair were at least nine years old.  Yikes!  Someday I'd like to get a good watch with a heart-rate monitor, but I've got to save up a bit first :).

Walking Program Update:  I finished my Walking Program!!!  In January, February, and March I walked over fifty miles and logged just over 25 hours :).  I feel I'm getting stronger, better endurance, and more lung capacity.  The next step in meeting my six month goal of a 5K is to use the remaining personal trainer appointments I have with Axiom to improve my mobility and balance.

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